I wanted to write a wrap up of what we know in the last 4 years regarding personalized medicine
1. In regards to DTC Genetics, the FDA won't shut you down if you are google. But you will have to give your test away for free to build your database
2. In regards to Pharmacogenomic testing, most doctors won't use the service despite studies showing utility that have existed for 2 years.
3. In regards to GWAS predisposition testing, it is mostly useless. It doesn't scare or heal you.......most of the time
4. Classical Cancer Genetics, Cardiogenetics, GI Genetics and preconception genetics have growing concerns as I am seeing more and more of these over the last 2 years.
5. When Whole genome or exome testing come out, we will have a mess load of data. This is an opportunity if someone can create subtractive algorithms to the "normal" data. Which may help us out....IFF we have a true "Normal Genome"
6. The Sherpa has been slow in posting, but these points are facts now.
The Sherpa Says: 4 years, a lot of hype, lots of sideways climbing. Next year will show big moves, just like 2007/2008 and we'll still be here.
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